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5:51 AM | 0 Directioner(s)
getting back to my previous main thing! blogging!

Hahahahah yeah I know it's weird for me to blog again.

Taktau kenapa tetiba buang tebiat rasa nak restart tulis blog lagi. Sebenarnya tau je.

1. Baru baca buku Letters To God, rasa macam best je express ourselves into words.
2. I got diary tapi tertinggal kat Shalom + memang malas pun nak tulis. Taktau kenapa mood menulis tu hilang bila start guna buku tu. Not sure if it because the book or the time consumed.
3. Terbaca blog ena, inspired huhu.
4. Nak express feeling tapi taknak dijudge. (Rule #1 : do not judge. not even my grammar. please)
5. Mind chattering. ergh

Ok so basically readerssss (if any). I dont know who would be reading my blog. And if you do, please dont let me know who you are. I just want it to be clean, without the feeling of faking myself. Macam kat instagram, whatsapp, I always have this thought of this person or that person will judge me so I tend to write or express my feeling in their 'ways'. Erghh so not free.

ps : If you let me know who you are, I will definitely close for public reading.

So you are lucky to have the admission to this blog as you would be able to see the real side of me! yeay! Not so real la sebab still, I dont write that explicit. Still need to cover. In case memang ada orang baca this blog kan. Btw I always have that thought that people might read my personal writing. Even it is my diary. So haha my diary pun aku cover jugak la. Nanti aku meninggal, ada orang baca Malu besar aku.

Sebenarnya kan (warning : in my writing, there would be so many 'sebenarnya'), I have soooo many hings to tell. I wish everything will be told here la. You know, it is suffering tau not been able to express yourself when all thoughts lingering in your mind wanting to keluar!

Soooo where to start? Ok maybe I could just write the topics I want to 'get rid' from my mind.

1. My changes
2. Forbidden love (taking the most space in my mind. And heart)
3 Tarbiyah
4. ok tetiba dah takde idea haha. Nanti aku tambah.

Oh by the way, I choose not to delete my previous posts sebab ada sentimental value in them. I can see my old me + my growth in there :D

Bye. Jumpa in my next post! Which is right after this haha.
5:29 PM | 0 Directioner(s)
Ive bought FOUR !

#np - One Direction - 18

Assalamualaikum !

FOUR (Yearbook)

Believe it or nay ? believe it or nay ? just believe it -_-

ansi beli albim FOUR ! once in a lifetime . srsly , mmg happy gile . anis tak pernah pun beli album sblum ni. yang ni yang first album anis pernah beli . so its just im telling you mind blowing .

mmg anis ade save duit untuk beli album ni . tak beli mknn kat kantin . sanggup tahan member member beli ice blended . just bc, FOUR . im 1D af id do anything .

anis beli kat popular . 

8:48 PM | 0 Directioner(s)
Night Changes music video

#np - One Direction - Night Changes



the cutest




anis stay smlm nak tggu mv baru babies la katekan . . mv ni soooooo mind blowing ! 

wand erection

good job.

gile kau, gi date ngan one direction kot. kau nak kate ape . tp kelakar gile ah . mule mule tu feeling abes ah . zayn suap makanan , anis bukak mulut . liam pakaikan scarf , anis dekatkan kepala . harry tunjuk kasut , anis angguk . louis pandang mase dlm kete , anis malau malu . niall main jenga , anis buat buat cam anis yang tarik .

tetibe , last last tu mcm mcm jadi . spoil gile ! haha XD good job guys ! 
8:38 PM | 0 Directioner(s)
Four released .

#np - One Direction - Night Changes



yeah ! ! ! four released ! ! who's excited ? ! who's excited ? ! raise ur hand .

me at school : 

Funny | via Tumblr

ni track list untuk four. 

Four 💕

ure welcome .

mase 17 nov tu, anis kat sekolah . sedih sgt . bnyk pulak lagu lagu yang keluar . wuwuwu nak balik . 

i can't

nak balik .

nasib baik anis ade keje kat ICT . so anis dpt la jugak dgar lagu lagu recent . im just too excited . . ;')

kat asrama tu dok countdown cepat la balik cepat la balik . 

this time im ready to run .

dan akhirnye , tibelah hari terakhir persekolahan .

yes ! ! ! 

sampai kat rumah, mule lah . . . . 
8:20 PM | 0 Directioner(s)
Akhir tahun .

#np - Ariana Grande - Love Me Harder

Assalamualaikum .

4 years

Yeay ! dah abes sekolah dah bagi sesi 2014 !

One Direction | via Tumblr

bye bye .

seminggu sblum balik ni, this week is a quiet busy week i can tell you . bnyk sgt aktiviti nye . . cite cite .

Dinner F3 .

The Perfection | via Tumblr

no no not this one *blushing*

Act, dinner f3 . kiteorg buat dinner skali ngan rehlah . kat impiana resort cherating. not as bad as i thought . mule mule tu mmg anis taknak gi. nak save duit nak beli Four katenye. . tp bile dah dipujuk rayu oleh rabiatul yang nak sgt anis pegi, anis pun decide untuk join sekali. and you know, bapok galoknye kiteorg dl bilik. lompat lompat katil smbil mnari Shake It Off. gempak gile.

Shaking it off xx

tu baru dlm bilik. kat luar pulak, lagi selok anis. muncul pulak buai kat situ. anis mmg pantang nmpk buai. mesti berlari lari bertolak tolakan smate mate nak main buai. buai tu dah lah adventure. lagi sedap main. lepas main buai, kiteorg ade sukaneka. kumpulan anis dpt num 3. hebat ah tu.

lagi lagi, yang best nye, kiteorg main baling baling air. tak igt dunia . kejo sane kejo sini haha. pastu kiteorg mandi kolam ! sbnarnye untuk anak cikgu je tp dah rezeki kan . . 

malam tu, kiteorg siap siap untuk dinner plak. anis pakai baju pink, tdg hitam. so simple ;P

ah, menipu.

tapi dinner tak best ah. anis mkn sikit je sbb anis terase ngan someone. spoil betul. pastu, anis tak dpt pun cabutan bertuah walaupun anis mmg tak pernah dpt cabutan bertuah seumur hidup. pastu pulak, anis tak join pertukaran hadiah sbb anis takde hadiah. tak smpt nak beli. dan, anis tertinggal goodies. entah ah, anis sedih sgt time tu smpai mls nak care sume org. 

anis balik dgn air mate. betul lah org ckp, galok galok sgt nanti mnangis . take note :)

Annual dinner

gif | via Tumblr

annual dinner ni f3 kena handle. anis sebagai ajk montaj berkolabrasi dgn alif irfan. anis rase cam tak mmbntu pun. alif yang buat semuanya. alhamdulillah, semuanye berjalan lancar. anis tak mkn pun nasi arab sbb busy . [ ceh, padahal kenyang melantok maggi goreng ]

tp ang anis gmbira nye adelah anis telah mndapat cabutan bertuah ! ! for the first time in forever ~ walaupun hanyelah 4 biji cawan pink berjenama apple lady, but still, i appreciate this memory :)

Exam buuth

Dulces sueños

blurrrhhh, malas malas malas . malas betul nak menghafal. anis bukannye menghafal sgt pun. semua pakat taknak mnghafal sbb exam ni tak pnting pun . [ hoho ]. tp yang anis geramnye, dengan sek sek bijok ni. kabo taknak mnghafal, anis pun tak hafal la. tup tap tup tap. nak tau sek sek ni dpt num bape?

mereka mnggondol kelima lima top 5 tau. eiii, kuajaq kuajaq. take note : dont ever trust to braniacs. you'll regret urself.

tp result anis takde lah teruk sgt. boleh la. 

Hari pelaporan

Its the

mule mule tu, anis mnangis beriye sbb ibu ngan aboh taktau ade hari pelaporan ! ! ! nasib baik anis call. kalau tak, tak balik la aku. 

lame gak anis tunggu aboh. tbh, im crying again this time. tah ah . sedih ah. org lain sume dah balik. tinggal la anis sensorang dok congok kat koridor tunggu aboh. tp bile anis pike balik ade yang mak ayah tak dtg langsung, anis pun tunggu je lah. najwa laginye . mak die sampai lepas office hour. tguu le die sorg kat situ. sian pulak anis tgok

Tu je cerite sminggu sblum cuti. yeay ! ! cuti ! ! im gonna have some fun